Vella seems reserved to many people, but she’s more like a coiled snake: tense and ready to strike at any moment. And though she doesn’t look or act like it, she’s a nerd that loves to read.


Trained in gymnastics, boxing, and MMA

Fluent in English and Spanish


Current day age is 19 years old.


Vella is a Normal who has found herself lost within the magical realm. She is now under Curse’s protection and mentorship.

She was born in America to two Mexican nationals that migrated over just before she was conceived. Her father was deported many years ago and there’s been no contact from him. Her mother died from complications that no one would help with because she didn’t have the “right” health insurance. Vella dropped out of school at 16 to care for her mom, but never stopped any of her training. She has always been a very physical person and is a physical phenom, but her hips, knees and back are all damaged from gymnastics. After every practice or match her body is wrecked, even though she wins, and has to alternate soaking in ice baths and hot tubs. She’ll never stop fighting because it’s the only thing that allows her to release the emotions she feels inside.

She is from The Streets so she can navigate her way through the worst environments with her attitude and street acumen. But she doesn’t have many of the other experiences that other kids go through, the parties and staying out late, etc. She has been dedicated to her extracurricular pursuits and those required a lot of sacrifices.