Explore Complex Heroes and Villains: Discover the Depths of The Epic Universe Characters

Meet the Legends of The Epic Universe

Power isn't a gift—it's earned. In a world where warriors, sorcerers, and ancient beings walk among us, every choice shapes the future. Whether mastering inner strength, channeling cosmic forces, or wielding ancient magic, these characters are the driving force of The Epic Universe.

Who will you stand with? Choose your allies wisely…

Phase I Characters

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Masters of mind, body, and soul, the Style Assassins move through the shadows of towering cities—silent, unseen, and unstoppable. Their power comes not from magic, but from within, honed through relentless discipline and unmatched skill.

On the edge of reality, the Magi walk the line between light and darkness, summoning cosmic forces to bend the fabric of the universe itself. Each spell they cast ripples through existence, a testament to their mastery of Magic.

Hundreds of minds splintered from one, The Kollective moves as a single force. Though their souls are divided, their will is unified—and their power, unstoppable. They are everywhere and nowhere at once.

Risen from the depths of Hell, Kali is a force of vengeance. Her fury is unmatched, her path one of destruction. She will stop at nothing to make the world pay for its sins, leaving no mercy for those who cross her.

In the fractured shadows of society, the Rogues defy the codes that once bound them. Outcasts and renegades, they walk a path of chaos, hunted by those they once called kin, as they teeter on the edge of destruction and power.


Moving within society’s elite, The Children are a silent terror—psychic predators who drain life with a touch. Their presence is unnoticed until it’s too late, their power a quiet but deadly force.

In the blood-soaked halls of ancient houses, a brutal war rages. The regal Old Blood Lords, bound by ancient codes, clash with the ravenous New Blood Borne, whose hunger is as endless as the void.

Under the full moon, the Uruk hunts—a being torn between man and beast, its power growing with every cycle. Primal, relentless, and bound by ancient rivalries, they are the ultimate predators.

In the darkest forests, the Darcs prowl—creatures of shadow and sinew, shifting between human and cat-like forms. They hunt in silence, their presence felt only when it’s too late. 

Hidden within the Stronghold, the Nameless warriors train for one purpose: to become Style Assassins. Each must complete a Shugyosha—a transformative journey of trials—before earning their place among those who shape history from the shadows.

H.U.N.T. & C.L.E.A.N.S.E. Human Unified Network of Teams & Coalition for the Elimination and Neutralization of Supernatural Entities

The Universe expands…

In the darkness an ancient power sleeps…

The second piece to a new puzzle…?

Phase II Characters

The Dawn of a New Era

Going the wrong way about doing the right thing

Never Again…

When offense becomes the best defense…

The last safe haven?

The Age of Superheroes

When heroes and villains must fight side-by-side?

The last hope, or the final despair?

A new twist on an old idea…

Still bloodthirsty?

Phase III

The stars call…