Turner Alexis Huxley III has a presence that is undeniably commanding. Towering in stature, he combines physical largeness with a resonant voice that seems to rumble from deep within, creating an aura that is as captivating as it is slightly ominous


He can Summon and was an Elite Battle Mage


Current day age is 81 years old but looks to be in his 40s


Excommunicated member of The House of Huxley


In their youth, Turner and Curse formed a bond that would endure through the trials of the Academy and the rigorous tests of Magi training. From the simplicity of their childhood to the turbulent crossroads of their twenties, their connection served as the nucleus of an exclusive clique. This enclave, a band of ten including Curse and Turner, was a force of its own.

Amidst this fraternity, Curse emerged as a gravitational center, his charismatic presence inspiring unyielding loyalty. Their shared path, however, began to darken. Encouraged by Curse, they delved into the shadows of Magicks, their innocent curiosity morphing into a disturbing obsession.

Yet, this perilous fascination came at a severe price. Each member of their circle, all but Curse, found themselves exiled from their family houses, branded outcasts for dabbling in the forbidden arts. However, Curse, in his blindness, was left grappling with the inexplicable disappearance of his comrades one after the other. His unintentional ignorance added a hint of deep sadness to their story.

Uncharted territories remain, truths lie concealed, and the disquieting echo of their fates lingers...