Under Structure

The Code that Defines the Magi: The Magi follow Structure, a strict moral and legal code that governs every aspect of their lives and magic use. Far more than a set of rules, Structure is a guiding philosophy that upholds loyalty, order, and tradition. Those who live Under Structure are given security and purpose, but those who defy it fall Outside Structure, cast into chaos and hunted by Magi society.

Hierarchy of Guardians: Structure is upheld by a hierarchy of powerful figures. The Sorceri sit at the top, embodying Structure’s essence, while the Magisterium enforces its laws and moral boundaries. Beneath them, the Justice Sect acts as Structure’s enforcers, tracking down Warlocks and rogue practitioners who rebel against this order. In rare cases, outsiders with magical abilities are brought Under Structure, but most are seen as threats and are purged to maintain the Magi’s secrecy and balance.