Maximillion, known as Maxy, is a young yet influential vampire leader of House Aurelia's Vigil, an old bloodline steeped in tradition. Though only 200 years old, Maxy carries the weight of his predecessors’ legacy with unyielding determination. He inherited a decimated House, but through his strategic brilliance, he has not only restored its standing but also fortified its influence in the vampire realm. His guiding light is the dream of a woman he idolizes—her legacy shaping every decision he makes. Maxy is known for his classic charm, tactical mind, and unwavering loyalty to the traditions of his House. However, his deep reverence for the past may sometimes cloud his judgment, making him resistant to change and new threats.


Standard vampire powers of enhanced strength, speed, and resilience. However, Maxy's true strength lies in his strategic brilliance and ability to take calculated risks that consistently pay off.


Approximately 200 years.


Current head of House Aurelia’s Vigil, which he leads with the principles and values of his revered predecessor.


Respected among traditionalist factions within the vampire community; however, his rigid adherence to tradition creates tension with more modernist elements.


Members of his House and those who share his commitment to traditional vampire values.


Maxy’s leadership is heavily influenced by his admiration for a woman whose legacy he upholds, creating strong bonds of loyalty within his House.


Modernist vampires who challenge traditional values and anyone who threatens the legacy of his House.


Any force or faction that seeks to disrupt the order and traditions of the vampire realm, especially modernist elements that undermine the old ways.


Maxy rose to power in a time of turmoil, inheriting a House that had been devastated by internal and external forces. Through his audacious decisions and unwavering commitment to tradition, he rebuilt his House into a force to be reckoned with. His leadership is driven by a deep-seated desire to fulfill the dream of the woman he reveres, and his actions have left a lasting mark on vampire society.