Lord Asagawa was always Mother’s favorite


He Breathes True Life and his mental acumen and martial prowess surpasses all of his siblings by far


Head of The Children and Lord of the Asagawa Clan


The Style Assassins and The Community




Exuding an aura of formidable elegance, Lord Asagawa personifies power. It isn't a mere metaphor; his influence is a palpable presence that coerces those around him to surrender to his command.

Asagawa holds an unwavering belief: The Children are the destined rulers of the world. Yet, his vision for domination is more insidious. He advocates for a concealed reign that ensures an undisturbed flow of the luxuries they indulge in. No need for an overt, energy-draining reign when they can orchestrate the world's affairs from the shadows, safeguarding their "food supply" and directing humanity's course for an eternity.

His intensity, while quiet, is akin to a smoldering ember, housing a relentless, remorseless drive within. For Asagawa, hierarchy and propriety are non-negotiable values, the very rules he established to govern their lives. He is stingy with his praise, but swift and unforgiving when it comes to punishment. He sees no room for conflict or doubt, utterly convinced that their ultimate success hinges on his leadership.

Anger, for him, is but another tool, one that blazes most fiercely when provoked by anything associated with The Style Assassins.

In Asagawa's strategic and calculating gaze, his siblings are more than mere pawns—they're chess pieces to be moved at will in the grand game of power. He perceives himself as the sharpest, the most potent among them. To him, Sunaii is overly dependent on her beauty, a distraction that blinds others to her potential threat. Popoff, while large, is handicapped by disorganization. Francesca, mercurial and unpredictable, is a wildcard that must be carefully watched. And Khamen? He's driven by petty obsessions, a weakness that Asagawa can exploit. With Asagawa's presence, an ominous shadow stretches across the scene, an echo of the impending aggression he is capable of unleashing.