She’s a conqueror. Her appetite is insatiable.


Master of Dark Magic

She has the diamond ring of Solomon, used to control Demons


She has existed for what seems to be eons



And she’s often confused for Lillith


She can control Demons, but the ring’s powers have limits. The more she controls the less she can actually control them. And the bigger they are the less of them she can control.


Lillith and Iblis

Kali, Tamashii and Mikt


After the spell goes wrong Krucibelle appears in the Demonic Realm. She has no idea what is going on but she also doesn’t have a lot of time to concern herself with it. She knows she’s now more powerful than before and many of the inhabitants keep confusing her with a person by the name of Lillith. Initially just fighting for her own survival she soon begins to fight for control of The Realm. Lillith and Iblis rule The Realm as Queen and King and have an army to support them. Krucibelle forces legions of Demons to submit to her will and leadership through subjugation. Eventually she, too, has an army and the fight for control threatens to rend the very fabric of The Realm before there is a victor.

As the war escalates, Krucibelle realizes that raw force alone won't secure her victory. She needs an unexpected strategy, a weapon potent enough to tilt the balance of power in her favor. Her gaze falls upon the Seal of Solomon, a relic of immense power. She commands Asmodeus to venture beyond the realm and secure the Seal, but he stabs her in the back, leaving her plans in tatters.

Undeterred, Krucibelle turns to Mikt, using her persuasive prowess to coax her into stealing the Seal. As the quest for the Seal unfolds, an ominous aura shrouds The Realm. Every move, every decision now carries the weight of an impending storm, a tempest that threatens to either crown her as the new sovereign or plunge her into eternal oblivion.