Koko, known as The Great Witch, is a figure of tragedy and terror. Descended from a powerful lineage of witches, she once enjoyed a life of magical fulfillment until the sentient sword, Tamashii o Musaboru Mono, slaughtered her family and destroyed her bloodline's magic wielders. Devastated and consumed by grief, Koko performed a dark ritual to transform herself into a lich, granting her immortality to pursue her singular goal: vengeance against the sword that ruined her life.


Immortal (formerly human, now a lich)


Witchcraft: Koko wields powerful witchcraft abilities, including elemental control, curses, and spellcraft.

  • Necromancy: Amplified by her transformation into a lich, allowing her to raise the dead and manipulate dark energies.

  • Immortality: Due to her lich transformation, Koko can exist beyond a natural human lifespan.


The Children and the Magi: Koko views these groups as rivals due to their potential interference in her quest for vengeance.


Kali: Hostile relationship; Koko sees Kali as an obstacle due to her connection with Tamashii, the sword Koko seeks to destroy.


Tamashii o Musaboru Mono: The sentient sword that murdered Koko’s family and drove her to become a lich.

  • Kali: As the current wielder of Tamashii, Kali is an indirect nemesis, though Koko’s focus remains on the sword itself.


Born into a lineage of powerful witches, Koko lived a life steeped in magic and duty until the day Tamashii o Musaboru Mono, wielded by an unknown force, slaughtered her family, ending her bloodline’s legacy. Consumed by grief and rage, Koko performed a dark ritual to become a lich, forsaking her humanity to pursue revenge. She has since wandered the world in search of the sword, her physical form deteriorating into a wild, hunched figure that mirrors her tormented soul. Despite her fearsome powers, Koko’s obsession with vengeance has left her mentally unstable, making her both a formidable and tragic figure. Her ultimate goal is to destroy Tamashii and fulfill the blood-debt her family owed to the Asagawas, a task now twisted by her unrelenting desire for retribution.