Khamen came under the notice of their Mother because he was such a gifted artist.


He is a Child and as such Breathes True Life


He oversaw the carving of the hieroglyphs and cartouches for one of the greatest Pharaohs in Egypt’s history


An original of The 7 Children and Head of The House of Alkebulan


A dark cloud shadows Khamen's heart as he broods over Asagawa's leadership. Believing he was destined to be the Head of The Children, being the firstborn granted to Breathe True Life by their Mother, his resentment simmers, poisoning his thoughts. His feud with Sunaii only fuels his discontent, each recalled battle serving as a bitter reminder of the opportunities, resources, and time squandered.

His disgruntlement extends to his siblings, each inciting a unique form of disdain. Francesca's wanton and childish ways irritate him to no end. Popoff's lack of refinement is a constant thorn in his side. Yet, amidst all these petty grievances, a greater fear lurks in his heart. The impending doom on the horizon stirs a primal fear within him, a force more potent than all his petty grievances combined.

Regardless of what he has or what happens, nothing ever quite hits the mark. A sense of entitlement pulsates within him, his belief in his rightful place as King feeding his ever-growing dissatisfaction. His insecurities lurk beneath a mask of arrogance, his grandiosity adorned with a veneer of elegance and decadence.

Khamen stands on the edge of a precipice. One lucky break, he thinks, is all he needs to seize his desired position. Yet, a more primitive idea begins to gnaw at his mind - leading his siblings into a civil war. For him, it seems better to set the world ablaze now, than to passively wait for the inevitable cataclysm. This ominous prospect, layered over his personal discontent, sets a chilling stage for what may come.