Kelly is the only male in the entire Kollective


The complete powers that were held within the grimoire

The spiritual essence of the creator of the grimoire


The Boy, The Man, Our Brother


The Warlock


The Warlock


The book of spells the original identity of The Kollective had found and been using was the grimoire of a powerful Warlock, who had once been a highly ranked Mage within the Sorceri. He was born under the Structure of the Magi but had transgressed so many laws he had been marked for death by the Magisterium and disavowed by the Sorceri.

Directly before they had been split into their 333 selves the original identity absorbed the entire grimoire. Being the only male the book’s powers attached themselves to Kelly. But the book also contained the spiritual essence of the man who created it. So Kelly was born with extraordinary powers, far beyond what all of his sisters were born with, but also has the spirit of its owner within him.

There is a competitive cooperation between Kelly and the Warlock that resides within him. At moments of great tension or danger the Warlock will even have the gap in Kelly’s focus to take over and use Kelly’s body as his own. During this time the entire powers inherent with the grimoire are at his disposal, and this power is both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

Mostly they do work together as Kelly knows without doubt he is not the original identity and cannot absorb any others and the Warlock wants to return to the world. Both know their survival is dependent upon one another and in finding powers that are far beyond what anyone possesses now. Which just so happens to be exactly what the Warlock had been in pursuit of before…