Kamillian feels a strong pull towards Kinseit and to listen to her. When she’s away from Kinseit she starts questioning why she follows her, but then she just goes right back to her.


Power absorption

Shapeshifting, into any member of The Kollective or any person she’s had contact with


The Echo, The Shifter, The Ego’s Twin


Their alliances shift, Kinseit is often leveraging one group against another




Kamile was not born into an ordinary existence. As a shapeshifter, part of a unique entity known as The Kollective, she was one of the 333 Selves, once unified in a single individual. This unity shattered, scattering the Selves across realities, each carrying a fragment of the original's power. Kamile's fragment was the ability to transform, to shift her shape into that of others.

Making her way through her own epoch, Kamile had quickly learned that survival meant being overlooked or underestimated. Her shapeshifting skills, initially a raw, uncontrolled power, became her lifeline. She honed her ability to mimic others, not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Now her baseline form is that of Kinseit, replicated down to the last detail, except the ever-present shades.

As Kamile mastered her shapeshifting, she began losing her own identity. She was so invested in becoming others, that she began to forget who she was, or even if she had been anyone at all before. Each transformation took her further away from her original self, making her question the existence of that original self.

Whenever she tried to dig past the borrowed personalities, she found an emptiness waiting for her. There were no unique memories, no personal likes or dislikes, just an identity void that seemed to echo back the question: who is Kamile?

The cost of her shapeshifting ability was the gradual loss of her own identity. She became a mirror reflecting others so perfectly that her own image was lost. Kamile became a backdrop for the multitude of characters she adopted, each leaving their mark, obscuring the remnants of who she might have been.

Today, Kamile is like a ghost, a spectral echo of identities she once wore. She has been so many people, so flawlessly, that she questions if a 'real' Kamile ever existed. Amidst the sea of borrowed personas, the search for her own self feels like wandering in a labyrinth with no exit. But beneath the surface of her many faces, a hunch persists that somewhere deep within, the true Kamile is patiently waiting to be discovered.