She arrived as a silent bolt of lightning on a cloudless day.


Master of White Magic, and a master battle technician


Socks, she meets with Socks in private regularly.

She loves to play with KopyKat and Kaprisha when time is permitting.

She is drawn to Kelly Ann and is very respectful to Karrie.

She has acolytes within The Kollective that are drawn to her and will do as she instructs.




The entire Kollective know Kaer is up to something. They also know she was once known as Kafziel and had someone important to her named Thorne. But none have any clues as to her whereabouts during the time they were all kept separate until the Big Break.

She also doesn’t seem to be concerned with the internal politics of The Kollective as a whole. She is operating separately and doing things that none of them can piece together. She’s powerful and an unparalleled fighter amongst their ranks, but doesn’t attack another Self unless protecting a Self. And then she only repels their attacks until they get frustrated and leave.

She is kind to almost every Self and tolerant of most people as a whole, regardless of afflictions or preferences. To include the Uruk and vampires. The only person she keeps a careful eye on is Kali when they are in the same vicinity as one another.

She is also very intrigued with The Children. She hasn’t moved against them or for them. She only inquired about them and has had some of her acolytes find information regarding them and their history. They seem to be an interest she is weighing.