Justai is second in command of the Style Assassins and his goal is to surpass Ronin in abilities


Ultimate discipline

Absolute mastery over the Meditative and Action State.


The Ram


Current day age is over 500 years old


Justai was the middle child of a large aristocratic but military minded Russian family. Competition between him and his male siblings was not just encouraged, but demanded. Not being the best, nor the weakest he was largely ignored and spent much time alone. He was alone so much he came to want to be invisible, just like he felt he was inside, and would spend his time in the shadows. The name Justai is a reminder, but was initially meant to be cruel. When someone would notice him in the shadows and would ask, “Who’s there?” He would always respond with, “It is just I.”

Eventually, wanting to make a name for himself, he ran away from home and enlisted in the military under a fake name so he couldn’t receive any of the benefits of his family name. He had a single-minded focus to excel and did so well he came under the notice of a top-secret unit. After passing their tests he was inducted into the unit and his alias had been listed within the military as deceased. Now he truly existed only within the shadows, which suited him perfectly.

Sent out on an assassination, that turned out to be a suicide mission and had gone completely awry, he was joined in his escape by a member of The Community that was already in the compound on the same mission. The extraordinary feats Justai witnessed by his comrade in escape was all the reason he needed to accept the invitation to return to The Community instead of returning to his unit in Russia…