Gaius is the firstborn son of the beloved PrideKing Socks and Catherine, a figure of silent strength and stoic nobility within the Darcs. As the heir to his family and a potential contender for the title of PrideKing, Gaius embodies the grace of royals and the resilience of a warrior. Despite his position, he supports his sister Aly's ambitions to ascend within the Pride, creating a complex relationship marked by mutual respect, frequent disagreements, and shared aspirations. Gaius’s journey is a delicate balance of honor, duty, and loyalty to his family, as he navigates the shifting dynamics of power and responsibility.


Morphing Ability: Gaius can transform into a Suprafelidae, an Apex Ailuris, and a Titanthrope, making him one of the most formidable beings within the Darcs.




Son of the PrideKing: Gaius is deeply tied to his family’s legacy and position within the Darcs.


Aly: Despite their frequent disagreements, Gaius and his sister Aly share a strong bond and mutual respect.


Aly, August, Victor, Victoria, Hadrian: Gaius is the litter-mate to Aly and August, and brother to Victor, Victoria, and Hadrian. His relationship with Aly is particularly complex, defined by both rivalry and deep familial love.


Calig: While Gaius typically dismisses Calig’s antagonism, focusing on his duties, Calig remains a persistent threat.


Born into power and privilege, Gaius was quickly recognized for his leadership potential. Despite societal expectations favoring his ascendancy due to his Titanthrope status, Gaius acknowledges and respects Aly's leadership qualities, often deferring to her in strategic matters. His calm and composed demeanor often masks the internal conflict between his duty to his family and his desire to support his sister. He understands that without the ability to make the transformation into a Titanthrope, Aly’s aspirations can only go so far.

Gaius has earned the love and respect of the Darcs, but his position makes him a target for rivals like Calig. Despite these challenges, Gaius remains focused on his family and the wellbeing of the Prides, striving to live up to the expectations placed upon him.