Francesca, hailing from the region now known as Italy, is recognized for her sharp wit and cunning. As the leader of the smallest House among The Children, she prioritizes quality over quantity, surrounding herself with highly capable allies. Known as the most mischievous of her siblings, Francesca thrives on deception and chaos, using her quick strategies to dismantle the power of her rivals. She freely trespasses into her siblings' territories, believing the world is her oyster. Despite her small House, Francesca’s ambition is vast—seeking to consolidate power and bring down the other Houses.


She Breathes True Life (psychic and energy vampire)


The Trickster (by her siblings)


She will often not interfere with The Style Assassins or any Nameless.


Leader of the House of the Beloved Mother


Complex relationships with her siblings; views Sunii with admiration for beauty but believes that’s all she has, while she considers Popoff brutish and unintelligent


All other Children, particularly those with larger Houses


Francesca has always been a wildcard among her siblings, relying on strategy over strength. She thrives on mischief, often sabotaging her siblings' plans for amusement. Despite her House being the smallest, she maintains that every member is worth ten of anyone else's. Though she misses their Mother deeply, Francesca believes her ways were flawed and pursues her own path, relishing in the chaos around her as she plots to consolidate ultimate power.

Though, make no mistake, she will not disobey a direct command from Lord Asagawa. And if she did do anything against his wishes, it would be under a cover of disguise and deceit.