Curse is a prodigal son who truly wants to accomplish the purpose he was born for, but has no idea how. Now he is living to satiate his own insatiable curiosity.


Elite Battle Mage. Avid researcher and experimenter of Magic.


Current day age is 82 years old.




Curse was born under all the auspices of a centuries old prophecy. The Magi have been awaiting his arrival to “Herold in the greatest age of the Magi and deliver the Normals from the world.” In his youth he believed himself to be untouchable and volunteered for all the lessons and battles he could, and took to tampering with Magicks that were considered unsavory practices. His progression into an Elite Battle Mage was fast and impressive, and for many years he lived like a Rockstar within the world of the Magi. Until one day he noticed that people were looking at him with a look of expectancy. He realized they were waiting for him to achieve his destiny, but he had no idea how to do whatever it was he was supposed to do. And there was no one he could learn it from…

After this epiphany Curse elected to become an outcast, disconnecting from his previous life within the Magi community at large. It has been many years since and he has moved to studying Magic in depth, avidly researching and experimenting all he can. He has come to some realizations that no one has ever mentioned in all his studies with other Magi. Along with some information and direct experiences that are either wrong, missing information or being kept secret.

One new possible piece of the puzzle has lead Curse to take on a disciple…