
Barca grew up in the heart of Uruk society, where strength was revered above all else. From a young age, he exhibited a natural talent for strategy and leadership, guiding his peers through difficult challenges with a calm and calculating demeanor. His rise within the Uruk ranks was swift, fueled by his relentless pursuit of knowledge and an unquenchable thirst for power. Barca’s transformation into a werewolf only intensified his ambitions, enhancing his primal strength and cunning. Now, as an ambassador for the Uruk, Barca ventures into the dangerous realms of super and hyper beings, gathering secrets and artifacts to strengthen his people. His cool, methodical approach to leadership has made him a formidable force within the Uruk, and many believe he is destined to become the supreme Alpha.


  • Werewolf Transformation: Barca can transform into a werewolf, gaining enhanced strength, agility, and heightened senses.

  • Strategic Genius: His natural talent for strategy allows him to outmaneuver rivals and lead effectively in both combat and diplomacy.

Age: Not specified

Aliases: None


  • Uruk Society: Barca is a key figure within the Uruk, holding the role of an ambassador and future leader.


  • Various Super and Hyper Beings: Barca forms temporary alliances as part of his ambassadorial duties, though these are often pragmatic and short-lived.


  • Uruk Peers: Those within the Uruk who recognize Barca’s leadership potential and support his rise to power.


  • Uruk Elders and Leaders: Barca maintains a respectful yet ambitious relationship with the current leaders, positioning himself as a potential successor.


  • Other Uruk Leaders: Any who vie for the position of Alpha and see Barca’s rise as a threat.

Arch Nemesis:

  • Unspecified Super or Hyper Being: Potential enemies among the super and hyper beings who might oppose Barca’s plans or challenge his authority.

Brief History:
Barca’s early life in Uruk society was marked by a natural inclination towards leadership and strategy. Recognized for his calm and calculating demeanor, he quickly rose through the ranks, earning respect and authority. His transformation into a werewolf only amplified his drive for power, pushing him to explore the world of super and hyper beings in search of knowledge and artifacts that could elevate the Uruk. As an ambassador, Barca has successfully navigated the complexities of alliances and rivalries, solidifying his reputation as a future Alpha. His methodical approach to leadership, combined with his primal strength, has positioned him as a formidable figure within the Uruk.

Physical Description:
Barca is imposing, with a presence that commands respect. His werewolf form is a blend of raw power and agility, with a muscular build that reflects his strength. Even in his human form, his eyes carry a predatory gleam, hinting at the beast within. His attire is practical, often adorned with symbols of his rank and achievements within the Uruk.

Personality Traits:
Barca is calm, calculating, and methodical. His strategic mind makes him a natural leader, and his thirst for knowledge and power drives him to continually seek out ways to strengthen himself and his people. Despite his ambitions, he remains loyal to the Uruk, viewing his rise as a means to secure their future.

Barca’s unquenchable thirst for power can sometimes cloud his judgment, leading him to take risks that others might avoid. His methodical nature, while often an asset, can make him overly cautious, potentially missing opportunities that require more spontaneity. Additionally, his rise to power may have earned him hidden enemies within the Uruk who fear his growing influence.


Barca grew up in the heart of Uruk society, where strength was revered above all else. From a young age, he exhibited a natural talent for strategy and leadership, often guiding his peers through difficult challenges with a calm and calculating demeanor. His rise within the Uruk ranks was swift, driven by his relentless pursuit of knowledge and an unquenchable thirst for power. Barca's transformation into a werewolf only intensified his ambitions, as he embraced the primal strength and cunning that came with it.

As he matured, Barca took on the role of an ambassador for the Uruk, venturing into the perilous world of super and hyper beings. There, he gathered secrets and artifacts that could strengthen his people, all while navigating the treacherous waters of alliances and rivalries. Barca’s cool, methodical approach to leadership made him a formidable force within the Uruk, and many believe he is destined to emerge as the supreme Alpha.