Enter the Dominion of the Magi: Masters of Magic and Guardians of Order

Step into a realm where magic and mystery reign supreme, and the most powerful beings in the universe shape the fate of all. The Magi, an ancient and formidable society, wield unparalleled magical power, ruling over the supernatural world with an iron fist. Governed by the authoritative Magisterium and guided by the devout Sorceri, the Magi see themselves as the chosen ones—bearers of the sacred gift of magic and the ultimate guardians of order. To them, Normals—those without magic—are lesser beings, unworthy of true consideration.

The Magi are the largest and most influential of all supernatural factions, their dominance maintained through sheer might and strategic cunning. As hunters and enforcers, they police the boundaries between the supernatural and the mundane, ensuring that the delicate balance of power remains in their favor. The Magi ruthlessly hunt those who dare to defy their authority, including the emotisynced lycanthropes of the Uruk, rogue vampires, and all magic users outside their rigid Structure, like the fragmented entities of The Kollective. Despite their overwhelming power, the Magi are careful to manage their relationships with other groups, tolerating the Darcs and avoiding direct conflict with The Children—enigmatic beings with a history as complex as their own.

Yet, beneath their aura of invincibility, the Magi are not without flaws. Their strict separation from the world of Normals and their disdain for those outside their inner circle have sown seeds of conflict both within and beyond their borders. Their rigid adherence to order has made them powerful, but also vulnerable to the very chaos they seek to control. For those who can navigate the intricate web of alliances, rivalries, and power plays within Magi society, the rewards are immense—but the risks are even greater.

Join us in exploring the secretive world of the Magi, where the rules are different, the stakes are unparalleled, and the consequences of failure are dire. Will you uncover the secrets of their power, or fall victim to the ruthless machinations of those who guard it? The Magi’s dominion awaits—step inside and discover a world where magic is not just a gift, but the ultimate weapon.